Search Results for "pec-punches"


Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Watch as the muscle-packed Emery comes back from her High School Reunion, carrying the form of her old school crush in her powerful arms (someone she just saved from a vicious beating by muggers), as they rekindle their relationship, the mighty Amazon not realizing he had a crush on her as well - her and her strong and sexy body - which she now flaunts over him, flexing, lifting and absorbing ab and pec-punches with ease! This is definitely a reunion both of them are glad they attended!

muscle-packed Emery High School Reunion powerful arms school crush saved vicious beating muggers rekindle relationship Amazon crush strong sexy body flaunts flexing lifting absorbing ab pec-punches reunion

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